As Cornelius Hackl in Hello, Dolly!
"The following scene in Molly's hat shop is a comic gem that glitters under Anzalone's management and the performances of Christopher Sutton - the show's best actor and its comic engine - and Michael McGurk as clerks Cornelius and Barnaby, respectively. Energized and humorized, the rest of the evening is smooth sailing."
Douglas J. Keating -The Inquirer
"The comedic timing of the two store clerks, Cornelius Hackl and Barnaby Tucker (played by Christopher Sutton and Michael McGurk) is right on the money and consistent throughout the performance."
Broadway World
"Supporting Dolly is a first-class company that benefits especially from Christopher Sutton's Cornelius Hackl."
Clark Groome -The Reading Eagle
"Christopher Sutton is an appealing Cornelius, with gifts of song and dance."
Anita Donovan -The Intelligencer
"An upbeat performance was given by Christopher Sutton, with a humorous vivacity as Vandergelder's senior clerk, Cornelius Hackl."
John Blaker - Juniata News Philadelphia