As Mickey Johnstone in Blood Brothers
"Christopher Sutton gives an agonizingly powerful performance as the distraught and defeated Mickey, and his bonding with Eddie rings true."
Ray Fulmer -The Reporter
"Christopher Sutton's vivid portrayal of poor Mickey combines both innocence and worldly savvy."
Douglas J. Keating -The Inquirer
"If there is one truly show-stopping performance, it is Christopher Sutton as the tragically disturbed twin, Mickey."
Bob Koenig -The Catholic Standard and Times
"Christopher Sutton delivers a touching and poignant performance as the play's protagonist, Mickey."
John Lane -Philadelphia
"The Walnut Street Theatre's production, directed by Bob Carlton, benefits from good singing and good acting (a rare combination in a musical.) As the Poor Twin, Christopher Sutton is impressive, managing to make what might have easily been caricature into a character."
Philadelphia City Paper
"Christopher Sutton, whose role is the street-wise Mickey, is a standout. He effectively portrays the confused, likable, rebellious and angry youth."
E.S. -Springfield Press
"Blood Brothers is Walnut's special gift, and as Mickey, the rough-hewn poor twin and the play's protagonist, Christopher Sutton is convincingly hard-edged."
Sally Friedman -Bucks County Courier Times
"Playing the twins from childhood to adulthood, Sutton and Luckenbill are excellent in capturing the differences of their classes and creating a believable bond of friendship. Their voices make their songs sound better than the music deserves."
Bill Hayden -Philadelphia
"Christopher Sutton as the funny, sensitive, always down on his luck 'Mickey', showed us the inner workings of a man trapped by class and circumstance."
Claudia Perry -Aisle Say
"Powerful performances include Susan Dawn Carson as Mrs. Johnstone, Jennifer Lee Andrews as Linda, and Christopher Sutton's anguished Mickey."
Mark Cofta -Main Line Times